Zonta Club of Yakima Valley
  Zonta Club of Yakima Valley  women's service club  

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District 8 Conference - "Give Her a Voice" September 22-24, 2017


Holiday Inn Yakima
802 East Yakima Avenue
Yakima, Washington 98901


Register (by 9/11/2017)


Conference Highlights

Special guest speakers:

  • Sonja Honig Schough - Zonta International President
  • Lizbeth Meredith - Author of “Pieces of Me; Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters” and member of the Anchorage Zonta Club
  • Nita Belles - “In Our Backyard”
  • Speaker Bios

Special Friday evening event at Treveri Cellars Winery, 6:00 pm (owned by former Yakima Zonta Member Julie Grieb)

Bonus: Yakima Sunshine and Seeing all your Zonta friends!

Conference information

You'll find all pertaining information for conference on our Google Drive, including:

  • Proposed District Budget 2018-2020
  • District Financial Statement for 2014-2016
  • Slate of Officers 2018-2020
  • Dues Increase
  • Credential Information and Delegate Orientation
  • Conference speaker information
  • Conference schedule
  • List of restaurants (coming soon)


Conference Registration Fees  $150.00
Saturday Banquet guests $45.00
Optional: Friday night dinner function at Treveri Cellars - Treveri Cellars champagnes were served at State Department functions under the last administration. $25.00

The conference registration fee covers all conference materials, breakfast and lunch on Friday and Saturday, Thursday night Welcome Reception at the hotel, and Saturday Night Banquet. Call Deby Gunter at (509) 945-6900 for information on partial conference fees.


Dietary Restrictions

Saturday Banquet Meal Choices: 8 oz. New York Strip, Cedar Planked Salmon and Chicken Marsala

Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions. 


Hotel Reservations

Hotel Welcome Letter
Hotel Reservations

Cut off date for room reservations is 8/23/2017.


Map to Venue



Lizbeth MeredithSpeaker Bios

Lizbeth Meredith is an Anchorage‐based writer with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in psychology. She has worked as a domesic violence advocate and a child abuse invesigator, and presently working with at‐risk teens as a juvenile probaion supervisor. Lizbeth published Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters, a 2017 IPPY Award silver medalist for memoir/personal struggles, and a finalist for the USA Best Book Awards and the Internaional Book Awards. She published When Push Comes to Shove: How to Help When Someone You Love is Being Abused on Amazon and Nook, and is a contributor to A Girl’s Guide to Travelling Alone by Gemma Thompson.You can contact her at lameredith.com or on Facebook at or on Twitter @LizbethMeredith


Nita Belles is an author, speaker and leading national expert in the antihuman trafficking movement. Her journey as a tireless crusader against human trafficking began in 2006 when she witnessed the cruelty of this atrocity and was compelled to take action. Each year since 2010, Nita’s anti-trafficking work surrounding the Super Bowl has been instrumental in holding traffickers and sex-buyers accountable and recovering victims of human trafficking. In her years of dedication to this issue she’s worked from rescue to restoration. She has collaborated with top law enforcement, government officials, social service providers, faith communities, and survivors as the key to creating comprehensive, lasting change.

National Speaker and Trainer: As a prominent trainer and motivational speaker, Nita engages audiences of all kinds, empowering them to use their expertise and sphere of influence to stop human trafficking. She frequently speaks to government officials, law enforcement, universities, businesses, civic organizations, medical communities, conferences and faith-based groups. Some past audiences have included National Association of Attorneys General, Oregon Youth Authority Parole and Probation, University of Oregon, Brigham Young University, Saddleback Church, Willow Creek Church, and innumerable human trafficking conferences.

Victims Advocate and Legislative Advisor: She possesses a deep understanding of both labor and sex trafficking and is sought after to assist in the recovery and restoration of victims. Nita knows that to make a lasting impact in ending human trafficking, laws must be changed and she often advises legislators regarding laws to bring justice in this realm. She provides expert testimony as an advisor on HT laws and has influenced the passing of human trafficking legislation in several states. Nita was instrumental in the passing of Oregon’s House Bill 3143 which requires that Freedom Stickers go out with every renewed liquor license in the state of Oregon. Freedom Stickers contain the National Human Trafficking Hotline number, offering a pathway to freedom for victims of human trafficking. They originated with In Our Backyard and were designed in collaboration with survivors.

Author and Spokesperson: Expanding upon her first book written in 2011, Belles authored what has been acclaimed as the primer on human trafficking: In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America and What We Can Do to Stop It (Baker Books 2015). Nita is published in Huffington Post, Washington Post, and the Journal of Christian Nursing, among others. Often interviewed as an expert on human trafficking, her work has been featured by CNN, FOX Files, USA Today, Focus on the Family, and others.

Founder and Executive Director: Nita is the Executive Director and Founder of In Our Backyard, a national nonprofit organization that links arms across America in the fight against human trafficking through awareness, action, education, legislative advising and advocacy for survivors. She is passionate and dedicated to leading the organization and has never taken a salary.

Career and Education: After a career in business, Nita earned her Master’s Degree in Theology with a Concentration in Women’s Concerns. She served as a domestic violence chaplain and Associate Pastor prior to founding In Our Backyard. Nita has been happily married to her husband Dan for more than 30 years. In her spare time, Nita enjoys riding her bike and spending time with her family




Zonta Club of
Yakima Valley

311 N. 66th Avenue Yakima, Washington 98908

Advancing the Status of Women in the Yakima Valley and Across the World

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